Medicine, data, open access and open source.
Where To Contact Me
Does something on the site not work? Is something out of date? Have you got any suggestions to improve the site? For example, could the site be more accessible?
For any of the reasons above and just about anything else, please feel free to contact me. I am currently active on, and will do my very best to respond to you using the options below.
I have recently joined Mastodon and it is my first venture into the 'fediverse'. If you are not on Mastodon or have yet to learn about the 'fediverse' I would highly recommend doing so. So far, the community have been very welcoming. There is functionality to "direct message" someone through the form of a "direct mention." However, at the time of writing I believe this functionality is only available on the desktop site and is not end-to-end encrypted. Feel free to visit my Mastodon profile.
GitHub is a platform for managing and sharing code. The code for my website is available on GitHub and as I get further on my journey with Python I will also start keeping Python projects on there too. If you notice any errors or room for improvement on my site, GitHub is a great place to suggest or make these edits. Anybody with a student email address can get free access to their Education Suite. Feel free to visit my GitHub profile.
One of the next steps on my internet journey is finding a good back-end process to receive internet forms so that people without access to the options above can contact me via the form.